"Supply chains are like arteries in the human body, when they are blocked or disrupted, the whole system can fail. Therefore, it's critical to pay attention to every aspect of the supply chain to ensure its smooth functioning." Rosemary Coates, Author and Supply Chain Expert

Supply chains can have a significant impact on a company, so it is important for early-stage companies to consider their choices carefully. A well-considered approach to supply chain can help companies improve efficiency, identify risks and vulnerabilities, improve reliability of product delivery, save money and enhance customer satisfaction. All these factors can be critical for startup survival.

Some examples of successful startups that put supply chain considerations as a priority are shown below (and one that didn’t).


Particle is an IoT hardware and software platform that woks for industrial and commercial companies to connect machines and sensors. They work closely with suppliers to source high quality components and materials for IoT devices.

A few initiatives that Particle implemented included:


Stitch Fix is an online personal styling and fashion retail platform that has a unique supply chain model that relies on data-driven analytics to offer personalized fashion recommendations to its customers.

Data and supply chain initiatives include: